How to Deal With Negative People

Negativity is contagious. When you are around people with a negative mindset do you notice you’re absorbing their energy and suddenly you’re feeling negative? After interacting with these people, maybe your coworkers, friends or family members - you feel drained.

We’ve all dealt with negative and frustrated people. I’ve worked with a coworkers who are constant state of negativity. Their fog of frustration creeps into their interactions with others or they are a complete tornado of panic, damaging everything in the way. Either way, being on the receiving end of someone’s frustration and negativity is unpleasant.

We want to surround ourself with people who are uplifting and immerse ourselves in a pleasant environment. Unfortunately, we can’t always choose who we are are around. So how do we deal with a person who is constantly bringing out energy down? How do you keep your protect your positivity in an entire environment of negative energy?

3 ways to deal with negative people


Don’t internalize other people’s reactions. Detach yourself from their frustrations. People are responsible for their reactions and recognize this is something they need to work on.

Golden Rule

We all teach children the golden rule (at least I hope we do) “treat others the way you want to be treated.” It’s easy to play the blame game or be passive aggressive. Instead, try responding from a place of compassion. If you can’t change the conversation, walk away.

Set expectations

Don’t be a doormat. When someone does something that crosses a line, make it known. You have to stick up for your beliefs, your time, and your energy. And remember to do it respectfully. It’s difficult to keep your composure when you are speaking from your emotions. Be firm with your boundaries.

Leave a comment, what are your tips for dealing with negative people?

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